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How Game Developers Use History for Inspiration

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If you've ever played a game in the Assassin's Creed series, you're familiar with how history can be used to create some of the best gaming experiences ever known. This game transports players to historical settings, including Renaissance Italy and Ancient Egypt. Many would argue it's the best example of how game developers have harnessed historical events and locations to create memorable titles. However, the Assassin's Creed series isn't alone in drawing inspiration from the past; many other games do the same, including games like Civilization and the Call of Duty franchise. Incorporating historical details into games adds to their realism and can even serve to educate those playing the title. In this article, we look at how developers use history as a foundational element in game design.

The role of historical research

While most games don't adhere perfectly to the history they depict, developers still have to conduct extensive research to ensure they're historically accurate and engaging. They do this the same way a historian would, by surveying historical texts, academic papers, documentaries and speaking to experts in the field. They may go as far as reviewing primary sources like letters, diaries, and official documents to really get a feel for what was happening at the point in time they'd like to capture in the game.

It doesn't end there, though; many developers also examine artifacts, maps, and architectural designs to recreate the detailed environments that reflect the historical context of their games. Historians are often on hand to help them interpret and integrate complex historical events and famous people into the game's narrative.

Integrating historical settings and events

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Many games integrate historical settings and events into their storyline and gameplay. While we usually think of open-world games when talking about these types of games, even casual games like online slots often use history as a backdrop to add to the depth of the gaming experience. All we have to do is take a look at some of the titles in online casinos, where spinning the reels is about more than just matching symbols. These games often incorporate themes from Ancient Egypt, historical voyages, and legendary historical figures. Adding a bit of history to these games makes them more immersive and engaging, something that increases the player's connection to and enjoyment of the game.

In more complex titles like Assassin's Creed: Origins, developers do a lot more than in casual games to recreate historical cities and architecture. For example, players are treated to views of iconic monuments as they stroll through busy marketplaces and marvel as the Nile River flows past them. Beyond the scenery in these games, the storyline also draws from the past, pulling from actual historical events and giving players an opportunity to interact with and even influence or change the course of history. When creating these titles, developers have to tread a fine line between being true to history and making a game that's fun to play.

Historical figures as characters

One of the most entertaining things about playing a historical game is getting to interact with famous people from the past. Many games bring to life historical leaders as a way to add depth and authenticity to a title. However, this requires a lot of work, including researching their backgrounds, personalities, and significant events in their lives. Most games have an interplay between fact and fiction to keep the game engaging while still interspersing it with historical facts. If you've ever played the Civilization series, you've experienced this approach firsthand, interacting with famous people from the past and learning more about them in the process.

Educational value of historical games

When we play historical games, we get a chance to learn a bit of history along the way. Learning about history while playing a game is a much more enjoyable experience than reading a textbook on the same topic, at least for the average person. Games help bring history to life, transforming it from a passive pursuit to an interactive experience that can capture our imaginations.

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