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Churches of the British Isles

Gallery: Churches of West Sussex

by Peter Kessler, 3 June 2020

Horsham Part 1: Churches of Hardham & Amberley

St Botolph's Church, Hardham, West Sussex

St Botolph's Church, Hardham, is on the southern side of the old lane, facing out over the A29 London Road right behind that, and about a hundred metres west of Hardham Church Farm lane. It is believed to have been built on the eve of the Norman takeover of England in 1066. A suggestion has been made that some of the stones that were used for the building work were recycled from the nearby Roman camp - not unusual, and repeated with abbeys after the Reformation.

St Botolph's Church, Hardham, West Sussex

The building is a simple one, consisting of just nave and chancel. The exterior walls are whitewashed, something that was very common for medieval churches. Some of the early lancet windows have survived, although in some places larger widows were introduced in the sixteenth century to allow more light to enter the church. To the south of the chancel there used to be a small anchorite's cell. One occupant of this cell appears to have been Prior Richard in 1285.

Church of St Michael, Amberley, West Sussex

The Church of St Michael, Amberley, stands on the south side of Church Street, immediately east of Amberley Castle. Formerly (and perhaps still) more formally known as the Parish Church of St Michael and All Angels, the nave and western chancel are mid-1100s, while the south aisle and eastern chancel were added about 1230. Few additions have been made, although a south doorway dates to about 1300. A plain window was inserted into the north side about 1600.

All photos on this page kindly contributed by Roy Reed via the 'History Files: Churches of the British Isles' Flickr group.



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