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Churches of the British Isles

Gallery: Churches of Warwickshire

by Peter Kessler, 28 February 2010. Updated 12 October 2019

West Warwickshire Part 4: Churches of Warwick

St Mary Immaculate Catholic Church

St Mary Immaculate Catholic Church is a short way south of the Unitarian Chapel, on the eastern side of West Street, with Castle Close behind it. The town's small but persistent Catholic community registered a meeting place of its own in 1791 at Cocksparrow Hall (now part of Bowling Green Street), and in 1860, the present church was designed by well-known architect Edward Welby Pugin in red brick and Bath stone, in the Decorated style.

St Paul's Church

St Paul's Church lies on the northern side of Friars Street, west of St Mary. It was built in 1825, and was originally named St Mary's Episcopal Chapel. It served as a mortuary chapel for the cemetery in Friars Street, and was originally a simple structure in late Perpendicular style, with unusually large windows. In 1849, the chapel was converted to a suburban parish church, dedicated to St Paul, and the old chapel became a long south transept of the enlarged church.

Northgate Methodist Church

Northgate Methodist Church is on the southern side of Saltisford Road, between Joyce Pool and the Priory Road roundabout. A Wesleyan chapel was built in Chapel Street in about 1830 but sold in 1834. Two subsequent chapels, in Market Street and Bowling Green Street were replaced in 1893 by this building, near the old Northgate. The new chapel was in the Gothic style in red and yellow brick with stone dressings. Behind it are chapel rooms that were added in 1960-1961.

Warwick School Chapel

Warwick School Chapel lies on the southern side of the Myton Road which connects Warwick to Leamington Spa, and comes in near Warwick Castle. The independent school is reputedly the third-oldest surviving in England (King's School, Canterbury is the first), dating back to perhaps the mid-tenth century. The chapel was added between 1879-1893, when the school moved to its present site from the old college of the Vicars Choral in St Mary's churchyard.

Three photos on this page kindly contributed by Aidan McRae Thomson, and one by Elliott Brown via the 'History Files: Churches of the British Isles' Flickr group.



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