This was promoted as yet another of the BBC's quality
children's dramas, but turned out to be a rather low quality tale without
much appeal. Acting was average, with some of the younger actors producing
awkward and often embarrassing performances. The script was stale and the
production was very barely average. A poor showing for what could have
been so much better.
The Radio Times teasers on each of the six episodes ran
like this: 1: Only Marcie can sense that there is something wrong. 2:
Tonight the children will go home. And they will turn to the machine. And
the machine will embrace them. 3: The pattern is almost complete. Marcie
and Mr Eldritch perform the final step. 4: It's the end of the century,
the end of a whole thousand years. Powerful times. A time for things to be
wrong. 5: Legends are safe and sound in the past, but the things man has
made with his own hands in the 20th Century are the real monsters. 6: This
time the world can end. This time the madness has a face and a voice, and
its name is Behemoth.
Each episode was shown on BBC1 at 4.35pm on Thursdays,
and re-shown on Sundays on BBC2. The series' only real attraction now is
that, as well as featuring the dreaded Servalan from Blake's 7,
it was also an early vehicle for Kate Winslett.