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Churches of the British Isles

Gallery: Churches of East London

by Peter Kessler, 26 June 2020

Newham Part 14: Churches of Stratford

Redeemed Christian Church of God (The Sanctuary), Stratford, East London

Redeemed Christian Church of God (The Sanctuary) is at the north-west corner of the junction between Grove Crescent Road and Oxford Road. The RCCG was established in Lagos, Nigeria, in 1952. The Sanctuary ministry began with services at the private residence of its pastor, in April 1994. On 19 June 1994 the concept of a permanent church was started by Pastor Ade Okonrende of the then Angel Parish in Stratford, and the Tom Allen Centre was purchased in May 1996.

St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Stratford, East London

St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church is on the southern side of Grove Crescent Road, about fifty metres west of the junction with The Grove. Catholic services in West Ham began in 1770. The church of St Vincent De Paul (see links) was opened on the High Street in 1813, but was replaced by this building, originally also named to St Vincent De Paul, in 1868 with a school hall below the chapel. It is a red brick building with stone dressings in a simple Renaissance style.

Stratford Central Baptist Church, Stratford, East London

Stratford Central Baptist Church is at the north-east corner of the junction between The Grove and Manbey Grove. Unlike Stratford's Methodists, its Baptist congregation found this one location, erected its church building upon it, and remained there ever since. The chapel originated in 1852 with services in Rokeby House. The present site was purchased in 1854 and Stratford Grove Church was built. Later called the Grove Church, it received its present name in 1917.

St Stephen's Mission Church, Stratford, East London

St Stephen's Mission Church sat on the north side of Cedars Road, about thirty metres east of the Water Lane junction and a little farther from central Stratford. An iron church was erected here about 1883, and was given the dedication of St Stephen. In 1917, with funds now in place, the 'tin tabernacle' was replaced by the present brick building. The mission closed down when the area suffered heavy bombing in 1943. Today it houses the Radha Krishna Temple.

Trinity Presbyterian Church (Maryland Point), Stratford, East London

Trinity Presbyterian Church (Maryland Point) stood at the north-east corner of the Forest Lane and Leytonstone Road junction, the site now occupied by a tower block. The congregation was founded in 1863 and a hall was built in 1863. The Gothic brick-and-stone chapel itself came in 1870. Declining numbers from 1907 meant that in 1941 the congregation moved to East Avenue Presbyterian Church in East Ham. The old chapel was destroyed by fire in 1953.

Ark Chapel / Without Borders Church, Stratford, East London

Ark Chapel is on the west side of Francis Street, less than eighty metres north of Leytonstone Road. It was founded by Baptists in 1834, in use until 1851. Then Primitive Methodists took it over until their own Ebenezer Chapel was ready in 1863 (see below). After that it served as a mission hall, presumably Anglican, between 1864 and at least 1954. By July 2015 it was known as Without Borders Church (Evangelical) and now stands behind a brilliant light blue security fence.

Stratford Newtown Methodist Church, Stratford, East London

Stratford Newtown Methodist Church is on the southern side of Windmill Lane, a couple of metres east of the opposing entrance to Waddington Road. As 'Stratford New Town' it originated about 1870 when members from Chapel Street (see links) started services in Chandos Road. Between 1918 and 1939 it borrowed this location, which originally was St Mark's Church, for club meetings. The Methodists purchased a now derelict St Mark's after the war and restored it.

St Paul's Church, Stratford, East London

St Paul's Church, Stratford, is at the south-east corner of the junction between Maryland Road and Waddington Road. It started about 1850 in a City Missionary Sunday school, and an iron hall was put up in 1859. That was replaced by a permanent church in 1864. In 1945 the building was destroyed by a German V1 rocket. The present building was consecrated in 1953. A bell was added to the tower in 1954, although that bell of 1642 was later found to be cracked.

Ebenezer Primitive Methodist Chapel, Stratford, East London

Ebenezer Primitive Methodist Chapel stood on the north side of Henniker Road (to the right here), with Major Road on its western flank. It probably originated about 1849, with a society that moved from room to room before settling at the Ark Chapel (see above) in 1851, until their own chapel was ready here in 1863. Additional buildings were erected in 1889. By 1940 it had been taken over by an undenominational Cripples Fellowship. It was demolished in 1961 or 1962.

Major Road Baptist Church, Stratford, East London

Major Road Baptist Church is on the west side of Major Road, under thirty metres north of the Colegrave Road junction. As Stratford New Town Church, it started in 1885 when a large building was erected on the northern part of this site, near the Crownfield Road junction. The present building - the lecture hall - was added in 1900. In 1907 a mission of Cann Hall Baptist Church joined the group and the present named was applied. The old chapel was bombed in 1941.

Nine photos on this page by P L Kessler (from 2010-2011), and one photo copyright © Stacey Harris, and reused under a cc licence.



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