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Churches of the British Isles

Gallery: Churches of East Yorkshire

by Peter Kessler, 6 February 2011

City of Kingston upon Hull Part 3: Churches of Central Hull

Jehovah Jireh Baptist Chapel, Kingston-upon-Hull, East Thriding of Yorkshire

Jehovah Jireh Baptist Chapel stood on Mason Street (and should not to be confused with the former Methodist chapel of the same name at George Yard). The chapel was described as a 'neat structure' erected in 1822. It was built by the Particular Baptists, but was sold to the Methodist Association in 1837 and was probably demolished soon after. By 2009 Mason Street had been cleared for redevelopment, and any chance of locating the old site of the chapel was lost.

Christ Church, Kingston-upon-Hull, East Thriding of Yorkshire

Christ Church stood on the north-west corner of John Street and Worship Street (now a car park). The church was erected in 1822 as the first chapel of ease in Sculcoates. It was built in white brick with stone dressings and arches, in the Perpendicular style, with a west tower. It was later enlarged and improved in appearance and gained a parish in 1866. Badly damaged by bombing in 1941, services were held under the south gallery. The building was demolished in 1962.

Elim Pentecostal Church, Kingston-upon-Hull, East Thriding of Yorkshire

Elim Pentecostal Church stands on the western side of Bourne Street, midway between Charterhouse Lane and Mason Street. It is a relatively new, post-war construction. St Philip's Church Sculcoates was nearby (otherwise known as Trippett Church), on the Charlotte Street and Paradise Row corner. It was erected in 1881-1882, and consecrated in 1885, built in red brick and positioned north to south. It was damaged during the war and later demolished.

St Paul Sculcoates, Kingston-upon-Hull, East Thriding of Yorkshire

St Paul Sculcoates is on the north-east corner of Bridlington Avenue (formerly St Paul's Street) and Cannon Street. The first church here was built in 1847 in the Early English style. Farther up St Paul's Street was the temporary Church of St Clement, a wooden building open in 1879-1937. The steeple of St Paul's was demolished in 1958, and the church closed in 1974. The building was demolished in 1976. The present building was erected on almost the same site.

New Life Christian Centre, Kingston-upon-Hull, East Thriding of Yorkshire

New Life Christian Centre is at the south-east corner of Charles Street and Bridlington Avenue. Assemblies of God started in Fig Tree Gospel Mission Hall in 1939-1952, before moving to this site. Charles Street Reformed Baptist Evangelising Church was nearby in 1851, as were All Saints Margaret Street, consecrated 1869, demolished 1974, and the Church of St Silas, Barmston Street, consecrated 1871, closed in 1967, and demolished after 1968.

St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Kingston-upon-Hull, East Thriding of Yorkshire

St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church is on the southern side of Albion Street (formerly Jarratt Street), opposite Charles Street. The Gordon riots in 1780 resulted in the destruction of Posterngate Catholic Chapel, on the site of the present Local Marine Board offices, which was perhaps four years old. A new chapel was eventually built in North Street, serving between 1799-1829, until St Charles Borromeo was built. It attracted large attendances and remains in use.

Friends Meeting House (Quakers), Kingston-upon-Hull, East Thriding of Yorkshire

Friends Meeting House (Quakers) was on the south-east corner of Baker Street and Percy Street between 1919-2007, since let go. There was also a Mason Street Friends Meeting House, a largish building erected in 1880, given up for Field Street in 1908. Brethren were meeting on Baker Street in the New Room, in 1844-1848. The Free Church of England may have used it afterwards. Christian Scientists met on Albion Street in 1906-1907, before moving to Baker Street.

St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Kingston-upon-Hull, East Thriding of Yorkshire

St Andrew's Presbyterian Church is on the north-east corner of St Andrew's Street (formerly Prospect Street) and Baker Street. The original Gothic building was erected in 1866 and subsequently purchased by the Presbyterians. It was destroyed in 1941 and the present building erected in 1960. The church was closed in 1972, when the Presbyterians were united with the Congregationalists. The building now serves as Hull Schools Library Service.

Waltham Street Chapel, Kingston-upon-Hull, East Thriding of Yorkshire

Waltham Street Chapel on the street of the same name was opened in 1815, designed by W Jenkins in the Classical style (shown here). It was de-registered in 1933 and used for administrative purposes. Damaged in the war, it was demolished and the present Methodist Central Hall was erected on the same site in 1960, on the upper western side of Waltham Street. The back of the hall connects to the Hull Methodist Mission on King Edward Street (see below).

Hull Methodist Mission, Kingston-upon-Hull, East Thriding of Yorkshire

Hull Methodist Mission is on the north-eastern side of King Edward Street, opposite West Street. The back of the building connects to Methodist Central Hall (see above), although this can only be a recent development, post-1960, which is when the hall was built to replace the war-damaged Waltham Street Chapel. The use of the building before its Methodist connections is unknown, but it could have served as a bank, judging by its flamboyant architectural style.

Seven photos and prints on this page kindly contributed by Colin Hinson, one photo by Phillip C Fox courtesy of John Hall, and one copyright © David Wright, and reused under a cc licence. Prints from A Picture of Hull by John Greenwood, 1835.



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