The Gathering
It is the dawn of the Third Age of Mankind, ten years after the Earth-Minbari
War. The five-mile long space station, Babylon 5, is up and running, its
commander determined to ensure its success as a place for the major space
powers to meet and hopefully communicate. Ambassador Kosh of the Vorlon
Empire is the last representative of the four major powers to arrive, but
within minutes of his arrival, someone has tried to assassinate him. When
the new telepath, Lyta Alexander, uses her ability to 'see' the would-be
assassin through Kosh's eyes, she realises it was Commander Sinclair who
poisoned the ambassador. When the news leaks out, Ambassador G'Kar stirs
things up and, after contacting the Vorlon Empire, moves in council that
Sinclair be shipped to the Vorlon homeworld for trial. The Vorlons send a
couple of battleships to make the collection and war threatens, with Babylon
5 the obvious first target. Sinclair must track down the true culprit and
persuade the Vorlons of his innocence, and quickly.
Lt-Commander Laurel Takashima Tamlyn Tomita
Carolyn Sykes Blaire Baron
Resident Telepath Lyta Alexander Patricia Tallman
Del Varner John Fleck
Senator Gant Paul Hampton
Doctor Benjamin Kyle Johnny Sekka
Eric Steven A Barnett
Traveller William Hayes
Hostage Marianne Robertson
Dome Technicians Linda Hoffman and Robert Jackson
Businessman David Sage
Guerra Ed Wasser
Season One - Signs And Portents
Midnight On The Firing Line
The Narn Regime, eager to gain power and territory at the expense of the
fading Centauri Republic, attacks and captures a remote research colony,
provoking a diplomatic storm. Londo Mollari has a nephew on the station
there, and his natural enmity towards the Narn becomes a personal grudge
against Ambassador G'Kar. Sinclair must act to ease tensions on Babylon 5,
and the destruction of a band of pirates and the capture of their control
vessel may just hold the answer. Sinclair's recently arrived
second-in-command, Susan Ivanova, has to play for time at the emergency
council meeting until the vital evidence can be presented.
Senator Gant Paul Hampton
Carn Mollari Peter Trencher
Centauri Jeff Austin
ISN Reporter Maggie Egan
Narn Captain Mark Hendrickson
Delta 7 Douglas E McCoy
Soul Hunter
Ambassador Delenn's life is in danger when a 'soul hunter' arrives at
the space station. Wounded in a recent battle in space, the hunter is tended
to by new chief medical officer, Doctor Franklin, but Delenn wants his patient
thrown off the station. Differences of long-held opinions bring events to a
dramatic conclusion when a second soul hunter arrives through the Gate,
pursuing his errant colleague.
Soul Hunter W Morgan Sheppard
Doctor Stephen Franklin (intro) Richard Biggs
Second Soul Hunter John Snyder
Med Tech Toni Attell
Man Jim Bentley
Dome Technician Mark Conley
Guards David D Darling and Ted W Henning
Born To The Purple
Mollari is flirting with Adira, a young dancer, an activity which is
distracting him from vital negotiations with the Narn. But the girl is a
slave who is owned by the sinister Trakis, and she is under orders to steal
information from the Centauri's personal data bank. Meanwhile, Susan Ivanova
has problems of her own in the form of her dying father.
Adira Tyree Fabiana Udenio
Trakis Clive Revill
Andrei Ivanov Robert Phalen
Narn Aide Ko'Dath Mary Woronov
Ock Jimm Giannini
Norg Robert DiTillio
Gunman Tom Lowe
Dancer Katherine Mills
Butz Mike Norris
Gera Akshi Laura Peterson
Doctor Goyokin Momo Yashima
An archaeologist, Vance Hendricks, visiting Doctor Franklin with his latest
discoveries, puts the station in deadly danger. One of the relics in his
collection, a piece of bio-engineering, activates itself and latches onto
Hendricks' assistant Drake, so that it can carry out its programming and
destroy all life forms that don't fit its creators' idea of perfection - a
program that caused the total extinction of those very creators.
Doctor Vance Hendricks David McCallum
Nelson Drake Marshall Teague
Reporter Mary Ann Cramer Patricia Healy
Dome Technicians Sav Farrow and Sylva Kelegian
Security Guards Daniel Hutchison and Tony Rizzoli
Customs Guard Paul Yeuell
The Parliament Of Dreams
G'Kar is threatened by an old enemy and Sinclair is shaken by the
arrival of old flame Catherine Sakai. Their paths have crossed several times
since they lived together for a year, but Sinclair's position is different
now. Can he still continue with a relationship and retain respect in his
authority? Meanwhile, G'Kar's old enemy has sent a hired assassin to kill
him. He doesn't know the assassin's identity and can't trust anyone.
Na'Toth (intro) Caitlin Brown
Catherine Sakai (intro) Julia Nickson
Assassin Tu'Pari Thomas Kopache
Lennier (intro) Bill Mumy
Du'Rog Mark Hendrickson
Guard Calvin Jung
Pilgrim Michael McKenzie
Head Waiter Glenn Robinson
Businessmen Randall Kirby and Erich Martin Von Hicks
Mind War
A genetically altered telepathic fugitive seeks Talia Winter's help in
escaping from his pursuers. Jason Ironheart was her tutor, and her lover for
a time, but now, because of the nature of the experiments that have been
performed on him, the Psi Cops are desperate to place him in confinement.
Jason warns Sinclair that the Psi Corps is more dangerous that people know -
they have designs on far greater power than that which it presently holds.
Psi Cop Bester Walter Koenig
Jason Ironheart William Allen Young
Catherine Sakai Julia Nickson
Psi Cop Kelsey Felicity Waterman
Security Guard Mark S Porro
Earth Fighter Don Dowe
Guest Liaison Elisa Pensler
Narn Captain Michael McKenzie
Businessman Kevin Page
The War Prayer
Racist human terrorists are aboard Babylon 5, and their aim is the
expulsion or destruction of all aliens. At the same time, Susan Ivanova
meets an old love, but his manner seems to have changed over the years. As
the attacks on aliens increase, and retaliatory fights break out, the
atmosphere on the station is becoming hostile. Sinclair has to resort to
intrigue to resolve events, but he discovers that the threat may not be
ended simply by breaking the small group of terrorists currently in
Minbari Shaal Mayan Nancy Lee Grahn
Malcolm Biggs Tristan Rogers
Roberts Michael Paul Chan
Kiran Maray Rodney Eastman
Aria Tensus Danica McKeller
Mila Shar Diane Adair
Alvares Richard Chaves
Thegras Mark Hendrickson
Security Officer Chuck Butto
And The Sky Full Of Stars
Sinclair is abducted by two security men from Earth, and forced, with a
combination of drugs and VR equipment, to reveal what happened at the Battle
of the Line, most especially during his missing twenty-four hours. But the
memory block put there by the Minbari is much to strong to enable total
recall, and the Commander is left with as many questions as before, despite
his partial memory recovery.
Knight One Judson Scott
Knight Two Christopher Neame
Benson Jim Youngs
Mitchell Justin Williams
Guard Joe Banks
Grey Council Member Mark Hendrickson
Security Guard Fumi Shishino
Sinclair faces a dilemma: should he allow a scientist to continue her
work on perfecting a youth serum or prosecute her for crimes against
minority alien races throughout the galaxy? Perhaps Ambassador Kosh's
manoeuverings will have an effect on the outcome of his decision.
Deathwalker Sarah Douglas
Dome Technician Sav Farrow
Ambassador Kalika Robin Curtis
Abbut Cosie Costa
Senator Hidoshi Aki Aleong
Ambassador Robert DiTillio
Ashok Mark Hendrickson
Doctor Franklin tries to save the life of a dying alien child when its
parents refuse a life-saving operation that conflicts with their religion.
Franklin discovers to his cost that the situation isn't black and white with
an easy solution.
M'ola Tricia O'Neil
Tharg Stephen Lee
Shon Jonathan Charles Kaplan
Doctor Maya Hernandez Silvana Gallardo
Garibaldi is falsely accused of sabotaging a construction site on board
the space station shortly before a Presidential visit. The real culprit is a
Home Guard activist inside the World President's own security team. A strike
against the President now, especially as he is planning to open Earth up to
increased alien business, would be a major coup for Home Guard.
Major Lianna Kemmer Elaine Thomas
Cutter Tom Donaldson
Special Agent David Austin Cook
Security Officer Lou Welch David L Crowley
ISN Reporter Maggie Egan
Nolan Jose Rosario
Young Lianna Robin Wake
Alien Mark Hendrickson
General Netter Rod Perry
By Any Means Necessary
Sinclair's military career and the safety of the station are threatened
when the loading dock workers demand improvements in their wages and
dangerous working conditions. A representative from Earth threatens to
invoke the Rush Act to bring the strike to a violent conclusion.
Neeoma Connally Katy Boyer
Orin Zento John Snyder
Senator Hidoshi Aki Aleong
Reporter Mary Ann Cramer Patricia Healy
Narn Captain Michael McKenzie
Eduardo Delvientos Jose Rey
Workers Ricardo Martinez and Floyd Vaughn
Signs And Portents
Babylon 5's fighter pilots try to stop a fleet of space raiders from
abducting a Centauri nobleman - but it's all a ploy to draw the fighters
away from the station, where unknown forces are at work in securing
peace...perhaps for a price?
Centauri Lord Kiro Gerrit Graham
Centauri Lady Ladira Fredi Olster
Raider #1 Whip Hubley
Dome Technicians Anita Brabec and Joshua Cox
Man Garry Kluger
Fighters Lee Mathis and Douglas E McCoy
Pilot Hector Mercado
Reno Robert Silver
Morden Ed Wasser
Customs Guard Lynn Red Williams
Walker Smith, a wrongly disgraced prizefighter from Earth, arrives on
the station to take part in the Mutai, a fierce sporting event hosted by the
alien minority races. The aliens, however, do not welcome a human
participating in their sport, and their champion looks set to take Smith
apart in a violent encounter in the ring. Meanwhile, Ivanova is finally
forced to face her grief over her father's death.
Walker Smith Greg McKinney
The Muta-Do Soon Teck-Oh
Caliban Don Stroud
Rabbi Koslov Theodore Bikel
Andrei Ivanov Robert Phalen
ISN Reporter Lenore Kasdorf
Migo Michael McKenzie
Gyor James Jude Courtney
Note: Shown much later than the programme's usual 6.00pm slot, this
episode was originally censored in the UK. Repeated at midnight on 6th
February 1997, the episode was shown essentially complete.
When a crusader visits the station on an intergalactic quest for the
Holy Grail, his friendship with a petty thief has disastrous consequences
for him.
Aldous Gajic David Warner
Jinxo Tom Booker
Deuce William Sanderson
Ombuds Wellington Jim Norton
Mirriam Runningdear Linda Lodge
Mr Flinn John Flinn
Two high-ranking security officers arrive on the station to evaluate the
loyalty of Commander Sinclair and his staff, and cause ripples of
disaffection among the crew. When Sinclair uncovers details of one of the
officer's past, he has to question the man's mental stability.
Colonel Ari Ben Zaun Gregory Martin
Psi Corps Operative Harriman Gray Jeffrey Coombs
Tragedy Macaulay Bruton
Sofie Ivanov Marie Chambers
Security Officer Lou Welch David L Crowley
General Miller Frank Farmer
Comedy Drew Letchworth
When the body of a great Minbari military hero is stolen from Babylon 5,
the Earth Alliance comes under threat from the Minbari warrior caste, and
the spectre of war looms.
Neroon John Vickery
Alisa Beldon Grace Una
Dome Technician Joshua Cox
Security Man Richard Henry
Cart Owner Patrick O'Brien
A Voice In The Wilderness (Part 1)
While investigating seismic activity on a supposedly uninhabited planet,
Sinclair and Ivanova discover the remnants of a technically advanced
civilisation. But it is being guarded by a dying alien whose eventual demise
could bring about the destruction of Babylon 5.
Draal Louis Turenne
Varn Curt Lowens
Security Guard Craig Barnett
Derek Mobotabwe Langdon Bensing
Earthforce Liaison Kelly Coyle
Bartender Kathryn Cressida
Doctor Tasaki Jim Ishida
ISN Reporter Lenore Kasdorf
Psi Corps Rep Patty Toy
Technician Jerry Weil
A Voice In The Wilderness (Part 2)
There's trouble for the station when Sinclair and his crew have to fight
off marauders for control of a planet containing revolutionary super
Draal Louis Turenne
Varn Curt Lowens
Captain Ellis Pierce Ron Canada
Lise Hampton Denise Gentile
Senator Hidoshi Aki Aleong
Dome Technician Joshua Cox
Rowdy Chip Heller
ISN Reporter Lenore Kasdorf
Takarn Michelan Sisti
Babylon Squared
When Babylon 4 mysteriously reappears after four years in a violent
time-warp. Sinclair and Garibaldi lead a rescue team to evacuate the crew
before the station vanishes again. During the operation, Sinclair has a
startling vision of the future.
Major Krantz Kent Broadhurst
Zathras Tim Choate
Lise Hampton Denise Gentile
B4 Guard Frank Costa
Grey Council Member Mark Hendrickson
Alpha Seven Doug E McCoy
Panicked Man Tommy Rosales
The Quality Of Mercy
Doctor Franklin helps a dying ex-physician in her experiments with an alien
healing machine. Meanwhile, Talia is traumatised after scanning the mind of
a psychopathic killer.
Doctor Laura Rosen June Lockhart
Janice Rosen Kate McNeil
Karl Mueller Mark Rolston
Centauri Senator Damian London
Ombuds Wellington Jim Norton
Rose Lynn Anderson
Lurker Philippe Bergeron
Security Officer Lou Welch David L Crowley
Guard Kevin McBride
Young Woman Patient Constance Zimmer
Garibaldi is critically wounded by his own security aide when he tries
to prevent the planned assassination of the Earth Alliance president, and
Londo falls under the control of a mercenary with some strange but powerful
masters. Ambassador Delenn decides it is time to begin a strange
Morden Ed Wasser
Catherine Sakai Julia Nickson
Devereaux Edward Conery
ISN News Anchor Maggie Egan
Senator Cheryl Francis Harrington
Narn Pilot Mark Hendrickson
Paramedic Wesley Leong
Med Tech James Kiriyama-Lem
Stephen Petrov David Anthony Marshall
Vice-President Morgan Clark Gary McGurk
Guard John Riojas
Security Guard Bergen Williams
Screaming Woman Fumi Shishino
Lurkers Liz Burnette and Gianin Loffler