The Shadow War is over, or is it? Ivanova and Lyta
Alexander set off for Z'ha'dum in search of the still missing Sheridan while
G'Kar looks for Garibaldi. Meanwhile Emperor Cartagia concludes a deal not
to Londo's liking, a deal that fulfils one of Londo's worst nightmares.
Morden Ed Wasser
Emperor Cartagia Wortham Krimmer
Lorien Wayne Alexander
Minister Damian London
Drazi Ambassador Mark Hendrickson
Brakiri Ambassador Rick Ryan
Happened To Mr Garibaldi?
G'Kar continues his search whilst evading the Centauri,
and Delenn, whilst mourning Sheridan, pushes for a Ranger attack on the
Shadows. At the Centauri court, conspiracy is rife.
Lorien Wayne Alexander
Emperor Cartagia Wortham Krimmer
Isaac Lenny Citrano
Harry Anthony DeLongis
Minister Damian London
Centauri Rick Scary
Zack discovers something in his own search for
Garibaldi. Lyta Alexander's relationship with Kosh's 'replacement' worsens,
as Sheridan returns to Babylon 5, back from the dead.
Lorien Wayne Alexander
Emperor Cartagia Wortham Krimmer
Verano Eric Zivot
Ambassador Lethke Jonathan Chapman
Dome Tech Kris Iyer
Ambassadors Ron Campbell and William Scudder
Towards Apotheosis
The Vorlons continue to remove the disease that is the
Shadows. Delenn and Sheridan resolve any doubts about their relationship,
and Lyta Alexander rebels.
Lorien Wayne Alexander
Emperor Cartagia Wortham Krimmer
Morden Ed Wasser
Guard Tom Billet
Young Woman Terry Cain
Worker Khin-Kyaw Maung
Long Night
The Vorlons' indiscriminate action against the Shadows
demands counter-action and the lives of both G'Kar and Emperor Cartagia are
at stake in the Centauri power-struggle orchestrated by Londo.
Lorien Wayne Alexander
Emperor Cartagia Wortham Krimmer
Ericsson Bryan Cranston
Centauri Carl Reggiando and Mark Bramhall
Drazi Ambassador Ron Campbell
G'Lorn Kim Strauss
Humanoid Tim Barron
Jester William Scudder
The Fire
Londo fights against time to save Centauri Prime from
the approaching Vorlon fleet, while the Army of Light masses to face the
Lorien Wayne Alexander
Burano Julian Barnes
Minister Damien London
Morden Ed Wasser
With one war over, the culmination of another conflict
is closing in. EarthGov, knowing the station has alien support, resorts to a
blockade of Epsilon III and propaganda denouncing Sheridan. Bester has plans
of his own that don't necessarily coincide with EarthGov's.
Al Bester Walter Koenig
Minister Damien London
Psi Corps Official Victor Lundin
EA Pilot Robert Patteri
News Anchor Lauren Sanchez
Illusion Of Truth
Babylon 5's personnel face a subtler foe in the form
of an ISN reporter, who records a feature based on daily life aboard the
station. The report is used as further political propaganda against them,
whilst Garibaldi faces his own problems.
Dan Randall Jeff Griggs
Ramirez Albert Garcia
Doctor Indiri Henry Darrow
Alison Higgins Diana Morgan
Parks David A Kimball
Client Andrew Craig
Affairs on Babylon 5 take a back seat as Delenn
is summoned to Minbar to face a the hostility of the Mir Clan and a test
which may decide her entire future. It is a test that reveals much more than
was intended.
Callenn Brian Carpenter
Dukhat Reiner Shone
Grey Council Member Robin Atkin Downes
Garibaldi continues to harbour increasing hostility
towards Sheridan, while Franklin and Marcus are sent on a secret assignment
to the Red Planet where they must contact rebel leaders.
Wade Mark Schneider
Captain Jack Donovan Scott
Number One Marjorie Monaghan
Number Two Clayton Landey
Dan Randall Jeff Griggs
Smuggler No.1 Geoff Meed
Brakiri Carrie Dobro
Guard Timothy Starks
Smuggler No.2 Brian Tahash
Of Communication
The Shadow War may be over, but their allies are still
out there, a fact that the Babylon 5 alliance has ignored until now.
To complicate matters, the hints dropped about instability on Minbar start
to come to fruition.
Number One Marjorie Monaghan
Phillipe Paolo Seganti
Forell G W Stevens
ISN Reporter Carolyn Barkin
Emissary Jean-Luc Martin
Of Interest
Hostilities between Sheridan and Garibaldi continue to
escalate as the latter takes on the job of smuggling someone aboard B5 and
acting as that mystery person’s bodyguard. The identity of that person
turns out to be something of a painful surprise.
Lise Hampton-Edgars Denise Gentile
Ben Charles Walker
Zathras Tim Chaote
Wade Mark Schneider
Mark Richard S Horovitz
First Man William John Murphy
Young Woman Ebony Monique Soloman
Second Man Wiley Pickett
Bargains And Lies
In a display of uncharacteristic deviousness, Sheridan
hatches an elaborate plan to get the League of Non-Aligned Worlds to accept
protection from the White Star fleet, while Delenn struggles to find a
solution to the troubles on Minbar.
Alit Neroon John Vickery
Drazi Ambassador Ron Campbell
First Religious Minbari Guy Siner
Second Religious Minbari Chard Haywood
Brakiri Ambassador Jonathan Chapman
Of Transition
Unable to obtain employment because she is no longer
registered with Psi Corps, Lyta receives a very unusual proposition from
Bester, while events on Minbar reach crisis point as Delenn finds that she
has no alternative but to surrender the Religious Caste to the Warriors.
Neroon John Vickery
Alit Shakiri Bart McCarthy
Bester Walter Koenig
Businesswoman Christy Noonan
Mr Adams Scott Adams
Guard Carl J Pfeifer
Surrender, No Retreat
Having committed himself to taking the offensive -
starting with lifting the blockade around the Proxima Three colony -
Sheridan is faced with tough decisions when it comes to attacking the human
enemy represented by Earthforce. Londo and G'Kar find themselves licking old
Commander Sandra Levitt Marcia Mitzman Gaven
Captain Edward MacDougan Richard Gant
Captain Trevor Hall Ken Jenkins
Guard Skip Stellrecht
Philby Neil Bradley
Exercise Of Vital Powers
Disturbingly, Garibaldi's 'defection' continues to be
compounded in a very believable manner as he throws in his lot with William
Edgars and discovers that President Clark does not necessarily have as much
power as he thinks he does.
William Edgars Efrem Zimbalist
Lise Hampton Denise Gentile
Wade Mark Schneider
Ms Constance Shelley Robertson
Patient Kenneth Cortland
Second Patient Sandy Grinn
Face Of The Enemy
The air is full of unconscious betrayal and the agony of
realisation after the deed is done as a war between Homo Sapiens and Homo Superior looms, and Sheridan's resistance fleet thunders towards
William Edgars Efrem Zimbalist
Captain Edward MacDougan Richard Gant
Lise Hampton Denise Gentile
Number One Marjorie Monaghan
Alison Higgins Diana Morgan
Captain James David Purdham
Captain Frank Ricco Ross
Wade Mark Schneider
Bester Walter Koenig
Psi Cop Harlan Ellison
In Real Time
Sheridan faces a long interrogation by a ruthless, and
at times brutal, but always apparently truthful examiner. His only glimmer
of hope is that Clark wants him alive as a symbol of repentance, and not a
William Raye Birk
Drazi Wayne Alexander
Interrogator Bruce Gray
Minister Peter Brown
The Darkness And The Light
Garibaldi, desperate to make amends, contacts Franklin
and Lyta and attempts to persuade them that he can help. Ivanova must face
her own mortality in a showdown against President Clark's most powerful
Eisensen Marc Gomes
Interrogator Bruce Gray
Number One Marjorie Monaghan
Captain James David Purdham
Felicia Musetta Vander
Guard Greg Poland
Evan J P Hubbel
First Guard James Lang
Assistant Anneliza Scott
Sheridan shocks Earth with some astounding and
unorthodox manoeuvres while President Clark prepares the ultimate
destructive end to his dictatorship. Marcus has other worries as Ivanova,
critically injured in one of the last battles, continues to weaken.
Number One Marjorie Monaghan
Earthforce NCO Ungela Brockman
General Lefcourt J Patrick McCormack
Captain James David Purdham
Senator Crosby Carolyn Seymour
Captain Mitchell Julian Stone
ISN Anchor Maggie Egan
Kelley Karen Fineman
Earthforce Officer Rick Cramer
Telepath Kenneth Cortland
President Clark Gary McGurk
Marcus makes the ultimate sacrifice for Ivanova, while
Sheridan and Delenn spring the ultimate surprise on a recovering EarthGov,
which makes Sheridan's enforced resignation from the Earth Alliance seem
Luko Joey Dente
Lise Hampton Denise Gentile
David Sheridan Rance Howard
General Foote Michael Potter
President Susanna Luchenka Beata Pozniak
Bester Walter Koenig
ISN Anchor Maggie Egan
Med Tech JJ Boone
Max Alex Corbo
Med Tech Julie Ow
Deconstruction Of Falling Stars
The Interstellar Alliance's story is told from its
starting point in 2261 through the following millennium and beyond to a time
when Mankind has evolved beyond its Earthly beginnings.
Derek Mitchell Doug
Brother Alwyn Macomber Roy Brocksmith
Latimere Alastair Duncan
Brother Michael Neil Roberts
Daniel Eric Pierpoint
Henry Ellis Robert Elk
Leif Tanner Bennet Guillery
Elizabeth Metarie Kathleen Lloyd
Man David Anthony Smith
Doctor Tashaki Joanne Takahashi
Jim Bitterbane Ken Taylor
Exeter Nick Toth