Season Four
Best Of Both Worlds (Part 2)
44001.4: Starfleet musters at Wolf 359, with the Klingons sending
warships to aid them. 40 ships in all collect to confront the
Borg, but the first battle goes to the enemy, with Starfleet
suffering heavy casualties, including some of their best and
biggest ships. After the loss of Picard, Riker is given a field
promotion to captain, and decides to mount his own surprise raid
to snatch the converted Picard back. The raid succeeds, but the
Borg head on to Earth. Data has to hurriedly link up with Picard
and use his link with the Borg to force them to shut down
and eventually self-destruct. Picard is re-humanised in surgery.
The emergency now over, Commander Riker decides to refuse a
Starfleet captain's commission and stay on the Enterprise.
(Cast as for Part
44012.3: While Enterprise is being repaired in Earth orbit,
the crew take a rare opportunity for some home leave. Picard
visits his elder brother on the family estate in France, but they
haven't got along for years, and old tensions resurface. All the
time Picard is suffering from delayed shock due to the severity of
his Borg encounter and matters reach a head when he finds himself
being coerced into leaving Starfleet and taking up a sub-oceanic
terraforming post. Meanwhile, Worf is visited on the ship by his
human foster parents, much to his initial embarrassment, and
Wesley finds a message from his late father, made at the time of
his birth.
Robert Picard
(brother) Jeremy Kemp
Marie Picard (sister-in-law) Samantha Eggar
Rene Picard (nephew) David Tristan Birkin
Jack Crusher (father) Doug Wert
Sergei Roshenko Theodore Bikel
Helena Roshenko Georgia Brown
Guinan Whoopi Goldberg
Chief O'Brien Colm Meaney
To make up for the long break, BBC2 screened this with a five
minute recap of Best of Both
Worlds to dovetail into this episode, which continues
directly on from the season opener.
44085.7: As the Enterprise is rushing a dying boy to a
nearby Starbase, Data inexplicably takes over the controls and
sends the ship in the opposite direction. Without being
consciously aware of doing so, he is answering the call of his
creator, Dr Noonian Soong, who has created a chip that will give
Data emotions. But Data's brother, Lore, has also been forced to
come, and he tricks his way into Data's place, stealing the chip
and mortally wounding Dr Soong.
Dr Soong/Lore
Brent Spiner
Chief O'Brien Colm Meaney
44143.7: War with the Talarians looms as Picard deliberates over
whether to return a human boy to the Talarian step-father who has
apparently been abusing him. The boy was one of the few survivors
of a Talarian attack on a Federation colony many years ago, and
now his surviving relatives are looking forward to his return. But
by his very upbringing he is now a Talarian in all but appearance.
The final choice can only be his.
(Guest cast unknown)
44161.2: Wesley's experiment with warp fields goes disastrously
wrong when he accidentally encapsulates his mother in a slowly
collapsing warp bubble. All Beverley knows is what was created in
the warp bubble at the time she was trapped there, a replica of
the real Enterprise, but influenced by her thoughts so that
people keep disappearing. Stage by stage, she works out what is
happening, and by the time her prison is on the verge of total
collapse, she finds there are only minutes for a desperate Wesley
to rescue her. He finds that the return of The Traveller is all
the help he needs.
Chief O'Brien
Colm Meaney
The Traveller Eric Menyuk
44215.2: A rescue mission leads the crew of the Enterprise
to the hostile home planet of their late comrade, Tasha Yar, where
they encounter her mysterious sister, Ishara. A member of one of
the two main warring factions on the planet, she uses Data's trust
of her to attempt to strike a mortal blow against the other side.
It is up to Data to stop her, but will his friendship with her
weaken him?
Ishara Yar
Beth Toussaint
Hayne (Coalition Leader) Don Mirault
44246.3: Kimpek, the leader of the Klingon Empire is dying,
poisoned by one of the two claimants to his position. Before he
dies he chooses Picard to mediate between the two, and discover
who is the murderer. He must choose correctly between the two, or
the Empire could be plunged into civil war. The Klingon Ambassador
to the Federation, and former mate of Worf's, K'Ehleyr (last seen
in the Season 2 episode The Emissary),
is also present, and has brought with her Worf's son, Alexander.
K'Ehleyr is mortally wounded by the murderer, Duras, but before
she dies she gives Worf responsibility for Alexander's upbringing.
Worf then seeks out Duras and, in accordance with Klingon law,
fights and kills him in combat.
Patrick Massett
Gowron Robert O'Reilly
K'Ehleyr Suzie Plakson
Alexander Brian Bonsall
44286.5: After contracting Alterian Virus whilst part of an Away
Team, Riker collapses and awakes to find that sixteen years have
passed him by. He is now Captain Riker and mediating in a peace
solution with the Romulans. But things don't look right, and he
eventually realises it's a trick. He is in a Romulan holodeck
simulation and is a Romulan prisoner. He is helped to escape only
to find that this, too, is a fantasy, created by a young alien, a
refugee from a Romulan attack, whose loneliness has made him trap
Ambassador Tomalok
Andreas Katsulas
Transporter Chief Hubbell April Grace
Nurse Patti Yasutake
44307.3: Wesley gains a position at Starfleet Academy in the
year's intake he was meant to be joining in Ménage
à Troi, and, before his departure, Picard takes the boy
on his final mission, to mediate between separate mining bases.
But the shuttlecraft, belonging to a miner called Dirgo (played by
Space: 1999's Nick Tate), goes
out of control and crashes on an arid moon. Wesley finds himself
struggling to keep a badly injured Captain Picard alive.
Captain Dirgo
Nick Tate
Chairman Son Gee Kim Hamilton
Ensign Allenby Mary Kohnert
44356.9: While the Enterprise struggles to contend with a
mysterious, two-dimensional life form that seems to be dragging it
towards a hole in space, Troi inexplicably loses her empathic
powers. This badly affects her ability to do her job, as her
attempts to counsel Ensign Brooks after the death of the woman's
husband prove.
Ensign Janet Brooks
Kim Braden
Ensign Allenby Mary Kohnert
Guinan Whoopi Goldberg
44390.1: Data is compiling a report on an 'average' day on the
ship for one of the scientists monitoring his development. A
friend's impending wedding compounds Data's confusion about the
complexities of human feelings. The friend is Keiko Ishikara, and
the man she is marrying is Chief Petty Officer Miles Edward
O'Brien, but there are complications. Data introduced the couple
to one another, and is to give the bride away, so he feels
responsible for sorting out the problems. Meanwhile, Picard has
been duped into delivering a Romulan undercover agent posing as a
Vulcan safely to a Romulan warbird in the Neutral Zone. (We also
learn that it has been 1,550 days since the Enterprise-D
was commissioned.)
Romulan Admiral
Mendek Alan Scarfe
Chief O'Brien Colm Meaney
Keiko Ishikara (intro) Rosalind Chao
Vulcan Ambassador T'Pel/Romulan Sierra Pecheur
Transporter Technician April Grace
44429.6: The Cardassians have been at war with the Federation for
some years, but a recent treaty has secured a tentative peace.
Then Picard learns that a renegade Federation ship under the
command of Chief O'Brien's former captain has destroyed an unarmed
Cardassian science station. It is up to him to attempt to
apprehend Starfleet's disgraced vessel and crew. But, with
Cardassian assistance, he becomes witness to the destruction of
hundreds of Cardassian lives.
Chief O'Brien
Colm Meaney
Keiko O'Brien Rosalind Chao
Captain Ben Maxwell Bob Gunton
Gul Macet Marc Alaimo
Glen Darro John Hancock
44474.5: Answering a call for help from a terrorised planet,
Picard finds himself confronting a powerful devil claiming her
rights to the souls of all the inhabitants under a 1,000-year-old
Marta Dubois
Dr Clarke Paul Lambert
Jared Marcelo Tubert
44502.7: After a 30-second blackout caused by a wormhole, the crew
are shocked to discover that Data is lying to them. It seems he is
only carrying out orders - but whose? Using the available clues,
Picard discovers that he gave the orders, and they were meant to
prevent the ship's destruction by the rabidly isolationist Pacsons.
Whoopi Goldberg
Chief O'Brien Colm Meaney
Dixon Hill's Secretary Pamela Winslow
Ensign McKnight Rhonda Aldrich
Nurse Patti Yasutake
No Log:
Riker is critically injured and stranded on a developing planet
during a first contact mission. While he is unconscious. Malcorian
doctors discover he is not of their race but decide to keep his
presence a secret to avoid panic, believing that neither the
citizens nor their rulers are ready to accept the presence of an
alien. Then Picard makes an official first contact...
Lanel, the spaceman
lover Bebe Neuwirth
Chancellor Durken George Coe
Space Administrator Mirasta Yale Carolyn Seymour
Minister of Security Crola George Hearn
44614.6: Geordi is thrilled to meet the woman who designed the
ship's engines, but Dr Leah Brahms does not conform to his image.
Problems also arise when the Enterprise accidentally kills
an alien energy force and becomes the unwilling parent to its
Leah Brahms
Susan Gibney
Guinan Whoopi Goldberg
Engineering Ensign Jana Marie Hupp
Transporter Technician April Grace
44631.2 to 44642.1: After locating a drifting science vessel with
only one survivor on board, the crew of the Enterprise
experience unexplained paranoia and hallucinations. The ship has
become trapped in an unseen energy-nullifying field near two
pulsars, and an alien ship, also trapped, is sending out
telepathic messages which is indirectly causing the crews'
Chief O'Brien
Colm Meaney
Ensign Gillespie Duke Moosekian
Keiko O'Brien Rosalind Chao
Cpt of the Britain Lanei Chapman
Guinan Whoopi Goldberg
44664.5: Geordi finds he was infected by an alien parasite during
an away team mission some years ago. Now his former shipmates are
disappearing, and only one remains. She transfers onto the Enterprise
which investigates the problem, only to find the missing personnel
have been mutated into a different species. How can Geordi prevent
himself going the same way?
Cmdr Susanna
Leijten Maryann Plunkett
Nurse Patti Yasutake
Ensign Graham Mona Grudt
Nth Degree
44704.2: Shy Lieutenant Barclay amazes his colleagues by becoming
decisive and saving the ship from destruction. Suddenly it seems
he is superhuman, with startling intellectual capacity. His powers
have been granted him by an alien probe, but he ends up
threatening the safety of the ship.
Lt Reg Barclay
Dwight Schultz
Holodeck Einstein Jim Norton
Lt Curson Kay E Kuter
44741.9: After a reunion with an old flame, Vash (whom he met in Captain's
Holiday), Captain Picard realises he is still in love, but
he won't admit it. So Q transforms him into Robin Hood and his
beloved into Maid Marion, and sends them both, with assorted crew
members, to Sherwood Forest. While Worf makes his feelings felt
about his new costume, announcing, "I protest! I am not
a Merry Man!", Picard has to decide if he will endanger the
lives of fellow crewmen to rescue a Marion he claims he does not
care about?
John de Lancie
Vash Jennifer Hetrick
Sir Guy Clive Revill
Servant Joi Stanton
44769.2 to 44780: An explosion aboard the Enterprise sparks
a witch-hunt for a traitor hiding amongst the crew. A Klingon
exobiologist on attachment admits guilt, having been passing
secrets to the Romulans. There is a Klingon faction who think the
Romulans would make better allies than the Federation. But a
visiting Starfleet admiral takes matters much further, eventually
declaring that she suspects Picard himself of being a traitor. He
must prove that the admiral is being more than enthusiastic in her
Admiral Nora Satie
Jean Simmons
Betazoid Aide Sabin Bruce French
Crewman Simon Tarses Spencer Garrett
Klingon J'Ddan Henry Woronicz
A Life
44805.3 to 44812.6: An alien scientist uses the ship in
conjunction with helium ignition tests on his homeworld's dying
sun, but the first attempt fails, and Dr Timicin must return home
to commit suicide - he has reached his planet's decreed maximum
age of sixty years. Mrs Troi is also on the ship and tries her
utmost to persuade him to rebel against the system.
Lwaxana Troi
Majel Barrett
Chief O'Brien Colm Meaney
Dr Timicin David Ogden Stears
Dara Michelle Forbes
Mr Hom Carel Struycken
44821.3: Dr Crusher has fallen in love with Trill Ambassador Odan,
who is mediating between the belligerent inhabitants of a world's
two moons. When the ambassador's shuttlecraft comes under attack
and he is critically injured, Beverly makes a shattering discovery
which she doubts she will ever be able to come to terms with. This
episode serves to introduce the Trill race better associated with
Jadzia Dax of Deep Space Nine.
Ambassador Odan
Franc Luz
Leka Barbara Tarbuck
Kareel (Odan) Nicole Orth-Pallavicini
Nurse Patti Yasutake
Mind's Eye
44885.5 to 44896.9: Geordi is kidnapped by Romulan forces and
subjected to days of horrific brainwashing. Klingon Ambassador Kel
is on the Enterprise tracking Klingon rebels who have
attacked ships in a border area. Together with Picard, the
ambassador discovers the Romulans are arming the rebels with
weapons built to resemble those of the Federation to ferment
disruption in the Federation-Klingon Alliance, the first
whisperings of such reverberating from the episode The
Drumhead. Geordi has been programmed to kill a Klingon
governor and start a war which will enable the Romulans to cement
relations with the Klingons and destroy the Federation.
Klingon Ambassador
Kel Larry Dobkin
Romulan Commander ?
Chief O'Brien Colm Meaney
Klingon Governor Varg Edward Wiley
44932.3: Ensign Jenna DeSaura falls for Data whilst on the
rebound, and Data constructs a programme to deal with romance and
relationships with her in mind. It takes a while to fine-tune the
programme, and Data's mistakes are an education in themselves.
Meanwhile, Dark Matter pockets within a stellar nebula are causing
fatal instabilities in the ship's structure.
Ensign Jenna
DeSaura Michele
Keiko O'Brien Rosalind Chao
Chief O'Brien Colm Meaney
Ensign McKnight Pamela Winslow
Guinan Whoopi Goldberg
(Part 1)
44995.3 to 44998.3: Captain Picard is drawn into an argument which
threatens to cause civil war in the Klingon Empire. Gowron, who
won the race for nomination as leader of the Klingon Empire when
Worf killed his rival, Duras, in Reunion,
is being seriously challenged by Duras' sisters, Lursa and B'Etor.
They plan to use their large element of support to militarily
challenge the new leader in a civil war, their real backing coming
from the Romulans, headed by a Commander who bears an uncanny
resemblance to the late Lt Tasha Yar. Worf is also drawn into the
fight and, when Picard refuses to become involved, resigns his
commission to become weapons officer on Gowron's flagship,
regaining his family honour in the process.
Robert O'Reilly
Romulan Commander Denise Crosby
Kurn (Worf's Brother) Tony Todd
Lursa Barbara March
B'Etor Gwynyth Walsh
Guinan Whoopi Goldberg