Season One
The Caretaker
Stardate 48315.6: The Voyager, chasing a Maquis ship
with a Starfleet agent on board, is thrown into the Delta Quadrant. The crew
depleted by the violent experience, Captain Janeway is forced to take the
surviving Maquis on board as they discover the Caretaker, a powerful alien
who is acting as guardian to a ravaged planet and its inhabitants. He is
dying, and he is their only way of returning home.
Gul Evek Richard Poe
Quark Armin Shimmerman
The Caretaker Basil Langton
Jabin Gavan O'Herlihy
Lt Stadi Alicia Coppola
Doctor Jeff McCarthy
Mark Stan Ivar
Toscat David Selburg
Ocampa Doctor Bruce French
Ocampa Nurse Jennifer Parsons
Stardate 48439.7: As the Maquis and Starfleet crews
quarrel over rank, the ship is drawn towards a Quantum Singularity, and
another ship appears to be calling for help. The ship appears strangely
familiar, though.
Seska Martha Hackett
Lt Carey Josh Clark
Jarvin Justin Williams
Time And Again
Stardate 48498.7: Paris and Janeway find the remnants of
a civilisation, destroyed completely by a recent detonation. Suddenly they
are caught in a temporal rift and transported back a few days to share the
doomed civilisation's last days.
Makull Nicholas Surovy
Terla Joel Polis
Litka Brady Bluhm
Shopkeeper Ryan McDonald
Officer Steve Vaught
Stardate 48532.4: On an exploratory mission in search of
new fuel stocks, Neelix is kidnapped and then returned by the alien Vidians,
minus his lungs. While the Doctor fights to keep him alive, Janeway must
negotiate for the return of his organs.
Seska Martha Hackett
Dereth Cully Fredrickson
Motura Stephen B Rappaport
The Cloud
Stardate 48546.2: The Voyager enters a nebula in search
of fuel, only to discover it is a life form which they have injured. They
must effect surgery on it to save its life.
Gaunt Gary Larry A Hankin
Ricky Angela Dohrmann
Sandrine Judy Geeson
The Gigolo Luigi Amodeo
Eye Of The Needle
Stardate 48579.4: Hopes are high when a small wormhole
to the Alpha Quadrant is discovered. The crew are able to make contact with
a Romulan ship on the other side, but the wormhole is too small to travel
through. (The year is 2371.)
Lord Burleigh Michael Cumpsty
Mrs Templeton Carolyn Seymour
Baxter Tom Virtue
Telek Vaughn Armstrong
Ex Post Facto
Stardate 48610.1: Though wrongly accused of a
scientist's murder, Paris is sentenced to keep reliving it as the victim.
Tuvok determines to discover the truth.
Lidell Robin McKee
Minister Kray Francis Guinan
Doctor Aaron Lustig
Stardate 48623.5: Finding what appears to be a burial
site, Kim is accidentally transported to their planet of origin. The locals
believe in an afterlife, assuming that the Federation officer is some sort
of reincarnation.
Seska Martha Hackett
Dr Neria Jerry Hardin
Hatil Jeffrey Alan Chandler
Hatil's Wife Robin Groves
Ptera Cecile Calan
Prime Factors
Stardate 48635.8: The Voyager crew discover a race with
an astonishing transporter system that could significantly reduce their time
in the Delta Quadrant.
Seska Martha Hackett
Carey Josh Clark
Gath Ronald Guttman
Eudana Yvonne Suhor
Jaret Andrew Hill Newman
State Of Flux
Stardate 48658.2: Someone on the ship is selling
Federation technology to the Kazon in an attempt to barter a quick way home.
Janeway and Chakotay are forced to examine the loyalties of their respective
Seska Martha Hackett
Carey Josh Clark
Kazon Anthony DeLongis
Heroes And Demons
Stardate 48693.2: Kim is re-enacting the Beowulf poem on
the holodeck when he disappears, apparently a victim of Grendel. It seems
the only person who can safely operate on the malfunctioning holodeck is the
Doctor, who undertakes his first 'away mission' with pride.
Freya Marjorie Monaghan
Unferth Christopher Neane
Hrothgar Michael Keenan
Stardate 48734.2: Chakotay and Tuvok return to the ship
after an accident in Space, leaving the commander in a coma. As he seems to
slip away, an alien force boards the ship and begins to take over each of
the crew in turn.
Durst Brian Markinson
Lord Burleigh Michael Cumpsty
Mrs Templeton Carolyn Seymour
Stardate 48784.2: Paris, B'Elanna and Durst are captured
by the phage-infected Vidians. A Vidian scientist discovers a way to split
B'Elanna's DNA, separating her into two people, one full human and one full
Klingon. But can the two new B'Elannas survive without each other?
Durst Brian Markinson
Talaxian Prisoner Rob LaBelle
Overseer Barton Tinapp
Stardate 48832.1: The Haakonian scientist responsible
for the destruction of thousands of Talaxians arrives on board. He informs
an embittered Neelix that the cook has a disease as a result of his exposure
to dangerous radiation. Neelix not only distrusts Jetrel's motives but has
to face his own demons as he comes to terms with the past.
Jetrel James Sloyan
Gaunt Gary Larry Hankin
Learning Curve
Stardate 48846.5: Despite Janeway's best intentions,
certain Maquis crewmembers still resist the enforced joining of the two
teams. Tuvok offers to put four particularly independent Maquis through
Starfleet training, but in the end realises that adapting to another's set
of rules and regulations involves far more compromise than the Vulcan is
prepared for.
Dalby Armand Schultz
Chell Derek McGrath
Geron Kenny Morrison
Henley Catherine MacNeal
Lord Henry Thomas Dekker
Lady Beatrice Lindsey Haun